Business Goals Update #2

Where is the coffee?

My schedule has recently changed to accommodate caring for my daughter in the mornings. During this adjustment I have found myself waking up roughly at 5:30 AM. Any gains I have made in the past two weeks have been during the short quiet period before anyone else wakes. I guess I understand now why so many founders have a ridiculously early morning.

Manager Update

Business Model Exploration

I did less research than I intended on my action item to research five form builder tools. During the second trial signup I think I realized that I am not trying to build a form builder and a CMS. My initial idea aligns more with the "ReSTful APIs as a Service" offering. Naturally, I could add a form builder as an additional product that utilizes the platform I am envisioning.

On to a new action item, "Research three ReSTful API as a Service offerings in the next 14 days."


I finished Startups for the Rest of Us and have now moved on to Traction. Gabriel Weinberg, has great insight into the mind of a developer/founder and I really appreciate the concrete examples he brings in to support the "Bullseye" framework for startup marketing. Six chapters in and I ordered two copies for my master minds members.

Developer Update


Technically, I have a Stripe account now, which means I can accept basic payments, create subscriptions, or send off invoices. They have an excellent sandbox account for testing all of these features. With the newly minted account I decided to run through the Accepting Payments with Stripe, Vue.js, and Flask tutorial on It only covered the basics of the Checkout API, but it was enough to give me an idea of how to integrate with thier platform.


Last update I mentioned learning OpenAPI Schema. There are a number of Python web frameworks that will autogenerate OpenAPI schemas from your code. My personal favorite is Molten, but unfortunately it came a little too late to the party and it wasn't the "async" hotness that everyone was looking for in the Python echo system. So, I jumped on the bandwagon and gave FastAPI a spin, once again hitting up FastAPI with Async SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, and Alembic on Testdriven.

In all honesty, it's not a bad framework. There seems to be some dissatisfaction in its community with how the project is run. The bottleneck being the single maintainer Sebastián Ramírez. It's his right though, FastAPI is his framework and he can do whatever the hell he wants to with it.

tags: business